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23 April 2008

New Reviews at TSky: Boully, Wallace, and Forklift, OH #18

Forklift, Ohio #18
by Cara Benson

Rare is the journal that works as a true collection of corresponding and communicating poems, each piece leading into the next. Even rarer is the one with kitchen tips. Simultaneously cheeky, vulnerable, funny, ominous, and lyrically toying with what is or is not “accessible,” Forklift, Ohio makes me love poetry again. It even comes with postcards. [ READ MORE ]

Jenny Boully's The Book of Beginnings and Endings
Two Reviews: Kristina Marie Darling & Jac Jemc

Boully skillfully manipulates her audience’s expectations of form and genre, opening in medias res and closing as further questions surface in the minds of her readers. Filled with works of prose that masquerade as novels, biographies, notebooks, and literary criticism, The Book of Beginnings and Endings takes on a range of voices, with lyricism and originality throughout. [ READ MORE ]

Mark Wallace's Walking Dreams
by Cynthia Reeser

Wallace doesn’t just tell an interesting story––he tells it in an interesting way, finding new and unexpected methods of presenting the tales. His characters are often pensive creatures who risk being drowned out by the city, which is always “full and alive,” and where “loneliness is only an impression carved out of the hard wood of a world in motion.” [ READ MORE ]