Most of the titles below are available for review, though we include the friend copies and the purchased copies as well, thinking we can probably scare up another copy if you're interested in reviewing one for TSky.
Titles marked with asterisks are hand-bound books or are otherwise special editions and are limited, if still available at all.
* Juliet Cook, Fondant Pig Angst (Slash Pine Press, 2009)
Denver Quarterly, Vol. 44. No. 2, 2010
Fence Vol, 12. No. 2, Fall/Winter 2009-10Sandy Florian, Prelude to Air from Water (Elixir Press, 2010)
Prelude to Air from Water, our readers will be delighted to know, includes the entirety of the text of Florian's sold-out chapbook from Tarpaulin Sky Press, 32 Pedals & 47 Stops.
Claire Hero, Sing, Mongrel (Noemi Press, 2009)
Brenda Iijima, If Not Metaphoric (Ahsahta Press, 2010)
Kristen Kosmas, Hello Failure (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2009)
Alex Stein, Made-Up Interviews with Imaginary Artists (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2009)Mathias Svalina, Destruction Myth (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2010)
Allison Titus, Sum of Every Lost Ship (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2010)
J.A. Tyler, Inconceivable Wilson (Scrambler Books, 2009)
Kevin Varrone, g-point almanac: passyunk lost (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2010)
Peter Waterhouse, Language Death Night Outside. Poem. Novel. Translated by Rosmarie Waldrop (Burning Deck, 2009)
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Quick jump to authors: Jenny Boully | Ana Bozicevic | Traci O. Connor | Mark Cunningham | Claire Donato | Danielle Dutton | Sarah Goldstein | Johannes Göransson | Noah Eli Gordon and Joshua Marie Wilkinson | Gordon Massman | Joyelle McSweeney | Joanna Ruocco | Kim Gek Lin Short | Shelly Taylor | Max Winter | david wolach | Andrew Zornoza
25 January 2010
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