Publishers Weekly reviews Joanna Ruocco's Man's Companions (Tarpaulin Sky Press, forthcoming, May 2010): "Thirty-one brief, clever tales from the author of The Mothering Coven employ traits from the animal kingdom to underscore absurdities in the human species. 'Lemmings,' for example, features a desultory dialogue between two lovers who debate the better 'iconic' location to jump from—the Space Needle or the Empire State Building. . . . Satisfyingly developed, such as the nuttily obtuse 'Flying Monkeys,' featuring a rarely intersecting conversation between two women onboard an airplane that reveals how the women—former best friends who happen to sit next to each other—can't stand each other. . . . Ruocco's understated humor and irony have a playful, experimental appeal. Click here for the fill review.

Says reviewer Angela Stubbs, "Big American Trip addresses all of our insecurities as artists, as lovers, and as citizens who lack the ability to understand one another, regardless of which language we speak. Peet allows us to look closely at our limits as humans and as Americans in a world filled seemingly with so many opportunities to connect." Click here for the full review.

Say the peeps, of Che:
"Epic"--Christian Peet
"Harrowing language that casts up its characters like great drift logs seen through heavy surf"--Jan Clausen
"I want to hear Che read aloud ...while floating in a sensory deprivation tank”--Haale

The journal will be available to the public at a reading and release party, featuring Lisa Robertson and journal contributors: Sunday, March 21st, 7-9pm at Urban Ore EcoPark, 900 Murray St, Berkeley, CA. The reading, like the journal, is free.

And in case you've been living in a cardboard box for the last few years: Dusie is an experimental poetics journal as well as a yearly poetry publishing kollektiv. Under the auspices of Dusie Press, poets participate both physically and virtually in communal projects. Poets in the Dusie Kollektiv write, design, produce and distribute poetic chapbooks in limited, signed, editions of 50 to 150 copies. Dusie also makes poetry available to a wider community through free online PDF downloads.
Yah. Good stuff, Dusie. Go. Now.
NOTE: Most of the titles below are available for review at Tarpaulin Sky. Titles marked with asterisks are hand-bound books or are otherwise special editions and are limited, if still available at all.
Samuel Amadon, Like a Sea (University of Iowa Press, 2010)
Molly Brodak, a little middle of the night (University of Iowa Press, 2010)
* Julia Cohen, For the H in Ghost (Brave Men Press 2009)
Daniel Coudriet, Say Sand (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2010)
Tracy DeBrincat, Moon Is Cotton & She Laugh All Night (Subito Press, 2010)
Sandy Florian, On Wonderland & Waste, w/collages by Alexis Anne Mackenzie (Sidebrow Books, 2010)
Peter Gordon, Man Receives a Letter (Red Hen Press, 2009)
Heather Hartley, Knock Knock (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2010)
Shane Jones, Light Boxes (Penguin Books, 2010)
Natalie Lyalin, Pink & Hot Pink Habitat (Coconut Books, 2009)
Steve Langan, Meet Me at the Happy Bar (BlazeVox Books, 2009)
Clay Matthews, Runoff (BlazeVox Books, 2009)
Stan Mir, Song & Glass (Subito Press, 2010)
Christopher Salerno, Minimum Heroic (Mississippi Review Poetry Series 2010)
Olga Tokarczuk, Primeval and Other Times (Twisted Spoon Press 2010)
Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Selenography, w/Polaroids by Tim Rutili (Sidebrow Books, 2010)