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04 June 2008

New Reviews at TSky: Bozicevic, Coultas, Huenún, and Staples

Ana Bozicevic’s Document
Reviewed by Chris Tonelli

"To evoke such complete empathy in the reader takes poetry of they highest order, and Bozicevic’s is undoubtedly that. . . . Though only thirteen poems long, Document accomplishes what most full-length books only set out to." [READ MORE]

Brenda Coultas's The Marvelous Bones of Time
Reviewed by Becca Klaver

"Coultas’ variation on “the personal is political” is “the local is national,” and she is a poet brave enough to look at—sit with, walk around in—our country’s dumpsters and cemeteries, a.k.a. our guts and our remains, our scariest local sites. . . . You could probably get away with calling Brenda Coultas many things, but one who heeds dirty, discarded, or dead things this intently is most often simply called a poet." [READ MORE]

Jaime Luis Huenún's Port Trakl
Translated by Daniel Borzutzky
Reviewed by Angela Woodward

"In Port Trakl, first world oppression of the third world, displacement of the indigenous, loss of culture, destruction of the environment, envy of the imperialist victor, float out of these poems like a shimmer of spilled oil or whiff of rot, barely there, but weighting our perception of these slight verses. It is a wonderful book, and Borzutzky and Action Books have done us a favor by bringing it into English." [READ MORE]

Heidi Lynn Staples's Dog Girl
Reviewed by Karen Dietrich

This is poetry in limbo, in a constant state of torque, wherein what matters is both content and form, both message and mode of delivery. Limber lines offer glimpses inside delicate juxtapositions of pain, displacement, and delight. While the poet’s head may be in the clouds, exploring a stratosphere of language, her feet are firmly planted in purpose, eyes focused intently upon human experience." [READ MORE]