. . . some excellent news from TSky Press author Brandon Shimoda. He's got two new books out, which, he says, are "something of fraternal sibling-strangers":
The Bowling [which you can't buy any more, becuase it's sold out, becuase it was too beautiful to live--and if it's any consolation, we missed it, too--Eds.], a collaboration with the royal Sommer Browning, and made by good wizard Carl Annarummo and his Greying Ghost Press. The Bowling is a collection of bowling, no less than the grease and the gleam, the balls and the buns of ten frames of subterranean heroism ...
Lake M, a long poem, and the preface of an even longer (forever in-progress) poem, beautifully made by Sueyeun Juliette Lee and her Corollary Press. Lake M resides at the bottom of a 15,000 year-old lake in western Montana, where my grandfather, Midori Shimoda, was imprisoned during World War II, under suspicion of being a spy. . . .
I hope you will all have a look, and thank you,
Brandon Shimoda
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. . . & TSky Press author Joshua Marie Wilkinson has prepared for you another fab installment of
Rabbit Light Movies (a journal of poemfilms)
Episode #11 features new work from TSky peeps Julie Carr, Lisa Robertson, and Zachary Schomburg, as well as from John Beer, Eula Biss, Joel Brouwer, Joel Craig, Patrick Durgin, Monica Fambrough, Judith Goldman, Sarah Gridley, Terrance Hayes, Christine Hume, Claudia Keelan, Sandra Lim, Dawn Lundy and Martin & Ronaldo V. Wilson, Peter O'Leary, Donald Revell, Michael Robins, Jennifer Scappettone, James Shea, Carol Snow, Kerri Sonnenberg, Peter Streckfus, Tony Trigilio, Leila Wilson, Allyssa Wolf, Lesley Yalen & Natalie Lyalin, and Matvei Yankelevich.
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. . . & Alice Blue #11 includes work by TSky peeps Benjamin Buchholz and Brian Evenson, as well as Amelia Gray, AD Jameson, Susan Moorhead, Erik Leavitt, Julio Peralta-Paulino, Erika Kristine Bogner, Sam Schild, Timothy David Orme, Michael Kimball, and Aaron Block.
You should check it out. It's edited by Sarah Gallien, Will Gallien, Madison Glass, and Amber Nelson. Amber's a wicked nice person. Also, Sarah Gallien used to be Sarah Burgess, so we're guessing that she and Will got married. That's pretty awesome.
One of TSky's former editors married one of our contributors after we had our famous TSky Summer Camp '05. That event was, like, the best time ever. Even though there couldn't have been more that a dozen people there. Mainly, our dozen NYC friends who aren't scared of the woods (can you believe there are a dozen?). Yeah. That totally rocked. We should do that again. . . .
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. . . & Craig Santos Perez at The Offending Adam reviews Christian Peet's Big American Trip.
These postcard meditations call into question what America means by 'we,' and why many feel that the presence of immigrants means there isn’t enough barbed wire to keep them ('us') out. . . . Peet notes: “the ‘lyric’ is // written with a hand of the tremor.” Indeed, the lyrics of Big American Trip are written with a hand of the tremor—a tremor caused by the unstable surfaces and underlying forces that constitute the history, language, politics, economy, and culture of the nation. [Read the full review]
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. . . & we have a lot of review copies from Ahsahta Press. High-end stuff. If it was heroin it would kill you. If you're a high-end reviewer, you should contact us about getting your hands on some of it, and then tell us what you think--if you're not dead.
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. . . & our friends at SLOPE also have good news for y'all:
Dear Friends, Readers and Loved Ones,
SLOPE is pleased to be re-joining you this spring with a portfolio of poems and materials by the luminous Sarah Gridley, the author of GREEN IS THE ORATOR, fresh out from New California Press. Sarah Gridley's portfolio is part of Issue #26 which began with a glimpse into the heart of Heather Christle and will continue with portfolios devoted to the work of Don Mee Choi, Richard Meier and Nathaniel Tarn among twenty others to follow--with Slope projects in preparation by Amber Nelson (Film) and Phil Cordelli (Unmaps), and issues guest-edited by Jen Bervin, Catherine Moore, Noah Saterstrom, among other good shepherds, to come.
Thank you for reading, and resting with us,
The Editors of Slope
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. . . & our friends at Fence would like to make life good (and inexpensive) for you:
Two years-ish ago, Fence offered a year’s subscription to the magazine, a la Radiohead’s In Rainbows release, for whatever you the buyer felt good about paying. It felt good to us and we hope it felt good to you, and so we’re offering it again.
Our Spring/Summer issue, very late this year, is coming out in a month, and you can click here to pay whatever you want, between $1 and infinity, for a year’s subscription starting with this issue. Contributors include:
Anselm Berrigan, Evan Lavender-Smith, James Wagner, Allyssa Wolf, Anna Moschovakis, Elizabeth Fodaski, Thomas Doran, Debbie Yee, Rodrigo Toscano, Christina Yu, Michael Robbins, Lee Ann Brown, Heather Christle, Carl Phillips, Sandra Doller, Tomaz Salamun, Steven Alvarez, Timothy Donnelly, Jack Boetcher, Ben Greenman, Rebekah Rutkoff, Angela Ashman, Rebecca Schiff, Aurelie Sheehan, Wayne Koestenbaum, Greta Byrum, with beautiful art by Dawn Clements.
Our slogan: Don’t regret not doing it.