TSky Press author Danielle Dutton reads from her forthcoming work of wonder, S P R A W L (Siglio Press, August 2010), at Bomb.
If, like us, you simply cannot get enough S P R A W L, you can read excerpts in Tarpaulin Sky, here and also here.
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Kim Gek Lin Short breaks out "All the Mason Jars in the World," the book trailer for The Bugging Watch & Other Exhibits (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2010).
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TSky Press publisher Christian Peet, whose left nipple is visible in the photo above--at no extra charge to you--is interviewed by Kevin Kane, at Word Riot, wherein Christian says stuff like this:
Once a manuscript is picked, I usually call the author. I do this for a couple reasons. I like to hear how happy they are because it helps to offset the bum feelings I have about “rejecting” hundreds of manuscripts for every one that we publish. Also, I like to see what kind of vibe I get from the author—because one just never knows—will they be easy to work with, or do they seem a bit uptight? Are they flakey? Do they sound like they’re on a lot of medication? These are good things to know. In the last couple years, I’ve taken to calling and saying that we’re “really interested” in their manuscript, but I don’t say that we want to publish it until we’ve chatted a bit. If I get a good vibe or, at least, if the author doesn’t frighten me, then I give them the good news.
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Speaking of picking new manuscripts, Projective Industries is "breathless waiting for you" to submit a manuscript to their chapbook open reading period. Which ends in eight days (June 30). And which is free to enter. Which should prompt you to donate a little cash to their cause. Projective Industries is run by fab peeps and fab poets Samuel Amadon and Stephanie Anderson. They also make great books. If you haven't already, go here.
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And speaking of good books, we have a bunch of new reviews and interviews at Tarpaulin Sky
* Brandi Homan's Bobcat Country
* Bruce Russell's Left Handed Blows
* Gizelle Gajelonia's Thirteen Ways of Looking at TheBus
* Leslie Scalapino's Floats Horse-Floats or Horse-Flows
* Jill Magi’s Torchwood
* Urs Allemann interviewed by Elizabeth Hall
* nick-e melville's Selections and Dissections
* Douglas Kearney's The Black Automaton
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And speaking of reviews, fab TSky reviewer Kristina Marie Darling also has a new book out: Night Songs, on Gold Wake Press.
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And speaking of birds, we've been meaning to tell you about Birdsong. Like you don't already know. But in case you don't: You should check them out. Why? Well, TSky checked them out because they sent us an email asking us to, and, more importantly, because they called TSky "an exemplar to those of us who are up-and-coming in the publishing world" and added, "We read your site religiously." Enough said.
But not really. Because when we checked them out, we fell in love with them. For many reasons. Here are a few:
- The current issue of their zine, birdsong #12: ravel (2nd anniversary issue), "a limited edition of 200 with screen printed cover and offset printed guts, hand stamped and stitched," which "comes in a 'party bag' with sticker, button, and postcard." Yeah. And it's only $6 plus $1 shipping and handling.
- "Five On It," birdsong's "continuing interview series wherein five established writers and artists answer the same five “Inside the Actors Studio” type questions," and wherein said writers and artists include some of our favorite folks--Shanna Compton, Noelle Kocot, Katy Lederer, Richard Nash, Matthew Rohrer, Lytton Smith, Rodrigo Toscano, Rebecca Wolff, Matthew Zapruder--along with a couple dozen other greats.
- What they're all about:
The Birdsong Collective and Micropress was founded in April 2008 with four goals in mind: to foster sustained collaboration among artists, musicians and writers in the form of an ongoing workshop; to continually encourage each other to produce creative work; to host free, public events where members can showcase works in progress; and to circulate members’ creative endeavors in a low-cost, easy to reproduce, and high-frequency format. Birdsong members share commitments to social movements of feminism, anti-racism, queer positivity, class-consciousness, and DIY cultural production. These commitments inform our creative work in many ways, ranging from the concrete to the theoretical to the experimental.
- Their blog. A must read.